10 Discoveries That Are Unexplained By Science

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 10. The Taos Hum - An unexplained Humming Noise. This strange noise confuses locals and scientists. What could be causing it? Why do only %2 of the people in the area notice this sound?

 9. Sea of Galilee – Cone-shaped Underwater Monument. Weighs 60,000 tons and built over 6000 years ago. What could be its purpose & is this another sacred site?

 8. Antikthera Mechanism – Ancient Clockwork Computer. Thought to be built in 150 B.C. and can be used to calculate the movement of planets? Were devises this this used to build sacred sites and or guide our ancestors?
Antikthera Mechanism

7. Paleodictyon Nodosum – Mysterious creature in the Atlantic that creates perfectly hexagonal burrows. What could be causing these strange patterns? More awesome sacred geometry?

 6. Godzillus Fossil – Fossil found that can't be identified as a plant or animal. Could this be evidence of extraterrestrial or an undiscovered type of life?
 5. The Upsweep - Unidentified noise coming from the Pacific Ocean. Scientists have tried to place the noises but have yet to pinpoint a source. What could be causing these sounds?

4. The Placebo Effect - Sugar Pills can relieve Pain and remove symptoms of major illnesses. Scientists are still not sure how the mind is able to do this. How powerful is mind over matter. What could this mean for the pharmaceutical companies?

3. Dark Flow – An unknown Force pushes matter through the universe at breakneck speeds. Scientists are not sure how or why. It appears that the source of the force is beyond the reaches of the observable universe. Is this a force we could tap into?
2. Kepler 78b – A planet similar to Earth in size and density is so close to its star that it orbits the star every 8.5 hours. The heat from the star shouldn't allow for a planet to form that close. Does this change our understanding of planet creation?
 1. The Naga Fireballs – Fireballs rise up from a river in Thailand each October. A must see that I am adding to my bucket-list! Orbs? What could be causing this interesting phenomenon? Check out the video to see what the legend about it says! This just goes to show that there is so much more going on in this world than we thought. Its exciting to know that there is always something new and interesting to learn and explore.

 Let us know what you think and what other interesting discoveries you have come across in the comments.
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Well then, until next time guys, Cheers!

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