Christmas culture in modern shows

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So, what's up guys? It's the holiday season and Christmas is nearly upon us... We all know what that means, it's time for another shower of christmas and new year posts to come on social networks, people singing christmas carols, kids waiting up late night for Santa and in the tech world, to look back at this awesome year and reflects on some of the greatest devices to come out. I'll have links to some of the good videos on YouTube. But for the mean time, I'm here to blog about some odd connections to christmas. Some scenes from our favourite telly series or movies we didn't expect Christmas in, scenes that brought out a deeper connection to it. So without further ado, let's have a look shall we?

The legend of Santa Claus

Christmas decorations
So now, let's check out what made the Top 10 list... By the way, the list is in no particular order.
SPOILER ALERT: The blog may contain spoilers so proceed at your own risk!!

1.Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Part 1

Harry and Hermione at his parents grave in Godric's Hollow

Harry Potter is as big a part of our childhoods as Oreos, Cartoons, Tom & Jerry and junk food. It is the first time we got introduced to the magical realm... And who can forget the moment when Harry and Hermione for the first time visit Harry's home, Godric's Hollow. The legendary birthplace of Godric Gryffindor, Albus Dumbledore and of course Harry himself. The sad moment when he sees his ruined house and his parents graves and the excitement on discovering the grave of Ignotus Peverell. Well, all of these were as big moments as they could get but we can't overlook the small parts for example,
Harry: Happy Christmas, Hermione.
Hermione: happy Christmas Harry...

2. Marvel's The Avengers

By far and wide Robert  Downey Jr. is at the time one of the most famous actors alive. His various roles as the intrepid detective, Sherlock Holmes and the eccentric billionaire and superhero Tony Stark a.k.a. Iron Man are works of art. Then in The Avengers, Stark upgrades the Arc Reactor technology to power Stark Tower by self-sustaining clean energy. The conversation with Pepper Potts to follow has a thing or two to do with Christmas.

Pepper: Are we off the grid?
Tony: Stark Tower is about to become a beacon of self-sustaining clean energy. Light her up!
*Stark Tower powers up
Pepper: How does it look?
Tony: Like Christmas but with more... ME!  

3. The Big Bang Theory

Season 2 Episode 11- The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis

A rare Sheldon hug

It's Christmas time in The Big Bang Theory and Penny wants to buy gifts for Sheldon and Leonard. Sheldon, not being comfortable with the concept of giving a gift of approximately equal value in return, comes up with a plan to buy several 'bath item gifts' of various price ranges so as to have an appropriate gift for Penny. But then Penny gifts Sheldon with a napkin used by Leonard Nimoy himself which also said "Live long and Prosper - Leonard Nimoy". Sheldon considered the gift priceless and decided to give Penny all the gifts he had bought to choose from. Then thinking it was still not worth enough, Sheldon gives Penny a rare hug.

4. The Joker

The Ace of Knaves
Batman's arch nemesis, the Clown Prince of Crime, the most maniacal and charismatic villain ever, The Joker... But what possible connection can he have with Christmas? Well, that connection came in the Batman Arkham Origins game. The Joker got his theme song in a modified version of famed christmas carol "Carol of the Bells". And somehow, the feel of the song combined with the new bits of music brought the essence of the Joker into the christmas carol. Never had I imagined to see Christmas with part of the Joker.

Download link to the ThemeJoker's Theme Carol of the Bells

5. Boston Legal

Season 1 Episode 8- Loose Lips

In this Christmasy episode of Boston Legal, Alan Moore defends a cross-dresser who was fired from his job of playing Santa Claus for the same. With the help of Reverend Al Sharpton, he miraculously wins the case and also with it wins a bet with a fellow lawyer at the firm, where the loser plays the winner's 'Elf".

6. How I Met Your Mother

Season 2 Episode 11- How Lily Stole Christmas 

Ted and Lily
Marshall has to go to work, and while leaving he goes out with his eyes closed so that Lily's christmas decorations are a gift for him at Christmas. But as events unfold, Lily finds out that Ted had called her a 'bad word' when Lily and Marshall had broken up in the past. In her anger Lily took away the decorations, but later returned them when she calmed down, leaving Marshall none-the-wiser about what had happened.
Meanwhile, Barney is too sick to party!!!

7. Supernatural

Season 3 Episode 8- A Very Supernatural Christmas

Dean and Sam celebrate Christmas
Anti-Santa, Pagan Gods and Beer... That's pretty much a supernatural Christmas alright. Here, Sam and Dean investigate murders committed by an anti-Santa who pulls his victims up the chimney; and Dean wants to celebrate a traditional Christmas since it will be his last, but Sam refuses, not wanting to accept that Dean won't be around next year. While investigating, they find that the murders are actually the work of Pagan Gods who were hiding as townsfolk the Carrigans. As the events unfold the Winchesters manage to 'gank' them and put a stop to the murders. To finish the show off, Sam and Dean Winchester celebrate what was to be their last Christmas together.
Dean being tortured the the Gods

Carrigan: You know what I say when I feel like swearing? Fudge.
Dean: If you fudging touch me again, I'll Fudging Kill You!! 

8. Sherlock

Season 2 Episode 1- A Scandal in Belgravia

Sherlock plays violin at Christmas
With Sherlock season 3 coming up, what better way to pass time than by revisiting the past episodes. And among them, who can forget the episode with Irene Adler's debut. The beginning, the tempting scenes of Irene Adler, and the "I am SHERLOCKED" moment. One of the best episodes of Sherlock to date and all of the moments of deciphering codes are just rightly balanced by all the happy Christmas and New Year cherishing moments.

9. Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale

An elf who was mistaken for Santa Claus
A dark take at the Santa Claus story, where Americans plan on excavating from underneath a mountain Santa Claus, who is buried there frozen in ice. The protagonist Pietari, meanwhile reads out about Santa and finds the old legends behind him. This is a story of a kid who overcame his fears and defended his loved ones from the dangerous elves (one of whom they had captured and mistaken for Santa) and the real monstrous Santa Claus.
The group discover the monstrous Santa buried in his icy tomb

10. Home Alone

Home Alone- pizza scene
Well, we're at the end of the list now. So what better way to top it off than with a childhood classic...
The entire Home Alone series stands as an example of the importance of family in Christmas. But leave that alone, and what we remember are the totally uncanny and downright hilarious methods implied in fighting off burglars. A childhood tale we all remember, if this series is not in the essence of Christmas, I don't know what is... And Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal!!

 So guys I'm pretty much done here, so I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

P.S.- Here are some tech videos I promised at the start:

Both videos are really great and it shows that people with good choice tend to think similar...
With this I'm out. If you have any different opinions be sure to leave them in the comments or if you have to say something to me you can always message me up on my g+ id. The link is below
Until next time.. Cheers guys.

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